Thursday, December 9, 2010


So yesterday was a complete epic fail. I ate some Panda Express on Tuesday night and it was not good. I was hurling at 11:30pm until 6am, every 40 minutes. The rest of the day I had a slight temp and an upset stomach, the hurling showed its face again at 2:30pm. Talk about fun right? NOT.  I spent the whole day laying around trying to get my stomach to co operate with me and got nothing done in the house. I am now a day behind with my to do list and the big move is creeping up fast. Supposed to sign papers today but so far no word so my realtor thinks hopefully we can sign papers tomorrow and get keys on Monday. This sets my whole moving time line back too, had made appointments for painters and Merry maids to come on Monday... I am crossing my fingers I only have to shift those appointments by one day, I think I can swallow one day... I hope. So, today I dove back into packing and catching up on emails and house work. Its 12:30 and I am exhausted now. So, I fear I will have to take a nap. I got lucky and was given FREE tickets to the Nutcracker tonight, a show I have seen so many times and it never gets old. We girls in the family try to go every year but it doesnt always happen. I couldnt pass up FREE tickets so I am taking "A" tonight, she has no idea I will have to go sign her out a little early from school and then head home to get dressed up. I think this year the girls will still go the day after Christmas and we are thinking on making a sound yearly tradition. Speaking of, every year I host Christmas Eve and we usually do a dinner but are doing a lunch instead this year. Everyone seems to like it, that it will fit in there schedules so much better so it may be a new tradition! Kinda nice, Shawn and I always love being different! Ok, eye lids getting heavy, will post pictures of Mom and daughter outing later so be on the look out.

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