Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tomorrow is Mission Monday, says I

I am designating tomorrow as Mission Monday... I am on a mission to complete, yes I said complete my TO DO LIST. Dun, dun, dun..... Laundry is out of control at my house I swear "A" is wearing 2 outfits at a time cause I seriously thought I just did her laundry 3 days ago... apparently not cause she is out of the essentials tonight I discovered when I went to lay her clothes out for tomorrow. Bleh. I sat on her floor sorting her laundry and I said "I am going to run away to a far away island." She says "Mom, which island?" I told her I cant tell her cause I want to be alone so I don't have to do chores lol!! I did not accomplish hardly anything today and realized time is ticking away quite quickly. I hope to make a post tomorrow night boasting of my accomplishments... we shall see. Today was Church which is always nice and my Mom drove an hour to come with us, the girls always love seeing Nanny. We went to lunch with "A's" biological sister and brother as required by the case worker. I know its not nice to be judgmental and I work really hard not to be but her siblings who are being raised by Grandparent (not blood related, just tagged as Grandparents... long story) are just not good people for "A" to be a round, they bring her down without even knowing it and hold her back from moving forward. She desperately needs to move forward and she tries but these visits can set her back some times. I had been dreading this visit all week. I even suffered some serious panic attacks late last night, something I have not experienced in years not since my divorce way back in the day of bad decisions. Lets just say I am glad the day is over, the visit was not as bad as I imagined but it was not enjoyable at all. My Mom and sister were amazing enough to come and be my support, they did great. I think it was a good call too for "A" to see that support. "A" her self did amazing I was worried at her decision making process being affected but she truly proved me wrong, I am so proud of her and the way she handled it all!! Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend, I am anxious for Christmas and am hoping for some good news on the house this week so that I can get into the spirit of Christmas a little more. As weird as it sounds cause I know thats not even close to what it is about, but without the house decorated I am just not feeling it this year. It could very well be because I am so pre occupied with the girls and Shawn being gone, who knows. This could be proved if we get into the new house and I can get the tree up and a few strands of lights outside, then see how I feel. I have been doing the Christmas music thing since Halloween... as I do every year. Christmas is my favorite and its been fun sharing things with "A" we watched the movie White Christmas with Bing Crosby... she loved it, which is good cause its a family favorite and a tradition to watch it every year. We watched Christmas Carol with Jim Carry tonight while drinking hot chocolate which was fun! I am dying to decorate though... fingers crossed I will complete my Mission Monday with success and we will get great news on the house and all will be well in the life of the Adams family!!

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