Saturday, October 23, 2010

It never fails...

It never fails, Shawn leaves and things starting stressful and crazy. Thursday night when I got home from Chemistry class "J" spiked a 103 degree temp. Since she is foster and has a history of medical issues I was not taking any chances, I took her straight to the ER at 10pm. I figured it was from her shots but since she has never reacted to them I figured it couldn't hurt to play it cautious. Well, the ER trip was HORRIBLE. I told them she had her shots and clean bill of health just that morning from her pediatrician, but they apparently didn't really hear that. They proceeded to take chest x rays (I don't know why, she wasn't coughing or anything of the sort) They decided to try and put a catheter in her to take a urine sample (which by the way is the most awful thing to watch I was almost in tears, some how I kept it together but man did I want to punch the nurses) All this for a fever seriously? It took them more than an hour to even give her children's tylenol which I told them she has had before with no adverse reactions. Finally at 1am they come back and tell me she has pneumonia, I know the doctor went to med school and all but I asked him several times if he was sure. She had been perfectly healthy at home and only hours prior had received a clean bill of health from her Dr. He insisted she had it and they gave her medicine for it and prescriptions for me to fill. Something (the Mommy in me) decided NOT to get the medicine from the pharmacy because I swear the Dr at the ER was an idiot. I took "J" in to see HER Dr again the following morning who said she is perfectly fine its just a reaction to the shots and he politely in a round about way asked me to never take her to that hospital again (Banner Del Web on Grand & Reems) He said they tend to over care/medicate the kids that go through there. Thats an understatement they tortured poor "J"
Yesterday she continued with the 103 temp on and off, I gave her children's Tylenol, water, and cool baths and we finally broke her temp VERY LATE last night. At one point yesterday she decided to gag on her tylenol and barfed ALL over me. If you have ever seen the movie the Exorcist she did that to me, her clothes and mine. I managed to get her to the tub only keeping the barf on the two of us and had no choice but to get in the tub clothes and all the both of us and attempt to clean up... that was fun in a VERY sarcastic way. I hope I never have to do that again. Thank goodness A was at school!!
So, today is going much better. J has stayed cool thus far and I even gave her, her first bottle with rice cereal in it!! She has not spit up at all!! Its great! Not that she spit up a ton of spit up but just a little and rather often, the Dr said the rice cereal should help, plus they want to chunk her up some more :-) My mom spent the night last night so my sister could have the weekend off... she is over sewing A's Halloween dress!! She took A out of my hair for a little while to go visit my sick Nan (Mom's Mom) but before they left I took some truly AWESOME pictures of A in Fall/Halloween fashion, she stayed in her little outfit to go show my Nan, whom she calls GG for Great Grandma. I am sure it will brighten her day, not make her better but for sure bring a smile to her face. So I put J down for a nap and am editing pictures, blogging, catching up on emails, and tidying the house a bit. I hope to have a relax full weekend. I hope everyone else enjoys there weekends as well. I have to take it one day at a time, we sure are making memories that will last forever though!!!

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