Thursday, March 8, 2012

Busy is an understatement

Now 3 weeks into school and I am already behind. My kids seem to have this weird sensor... every time they nap and I do house work they keep sleeping, I try to do homework and they wake up lol! Yesterday I had my sister come over and sit around to respond to the girls if they stirred so I could get some serious school work done. It went really well so its going to be a weekly thing now every Wednesday! Not exactly my idea of Me time but it will do for now. Have to keep the finish line in mind which is that MA degree!!

This past week we had a 6 month old little boy in our care for Foster. He had such a sad back story I couldn't say no when they called to ask if I would take him. He had an infectious smile and a great disposition all things considered. It was kind of nice having a little boy around too. D loved having another baby around and he was mesmerized by her. After I said yes and hung up the phone I doubted myself for a little bit but it turned out better than I expected. So grateful for family, my Dad and Step Mom came over the night he was dropped off with homemade dinner in hand and extra helping hands. Which was perfect... My Dad took Norah, my Step Mom took the new little guy and Shawn had D. Which freed me to run to the store for formula, some boy clothes, and drop of a prescription for the little guy. The 1st day or 2 of his stay was a bit crazy but I soon got him on the same schedule as the girls and it worked out great. 1 hour power nap in the morning and a 2-3 hour nap in the after noon. I was able to work on homework in pieces and maintain the kitchen and laundry. We were sad to see him go but are now confident that we can take on a 3rd easily when they call again... cause they will call again. The need for Foster homes is so great. Its now near and dear to my heart. I have brought the topic to my church and they are going to give me the chance to bring the topic to the congregation, I am so excited. Good quality Foster homes are few and far between. These kids are the innocent victims in all this. The system may struggle at times but it does work. We raised Jessica for a year while her parents stepped up to the plate and did an amazing 360 with there lives, we are so proud and happy to be a part of that success story. We have seen other kids go live with loving family members, and children become adopted. I just wish more people would open there homes to these kids.

Shawn continues to be busy with school and will soon start playing Army again. I am actually going to play Army this weekend for the 1st time in 2 months. Anxious and not excited all at once. It will be nice to get out of the house and be with adults and I know Shawn can handle things at home. I am more not excited about the early wake time and the long day on my feet. Good thing its only 1 weekend a month.

I am so grateful every day that we are blessed for me to stay home with the girls, all while doing my part to help others doing Foster care, and serving my country. I hope my girls grow up knowing that they can do anything they put there minds to, it takes a lot of hard work but its all well worth it. Going to bed every night with a smile on my face is priceless. Shawn is always telling me that I have such a big heart and that I am on a mission to save the world... I don't know if I can save the world but I am sure going to try!!

Both Girls are growing right before our eyes. D LOVES to dance, every day she dances with or without music. She recently learned to spin circles she discovered it all on her own, last night she did a solid 4 or 5 circles before becoming dizzy. I am hoping to put her into dance next year and seeing where she goes with it. I don't want to be the Mom who forces my kids to do anything, if she loves it I will of course be on cloud 9 since I grew up with dance being 75% of my life. But if she doesn't I look forward to seeing what she does pursue.  Norah is a happy content baby she usually only cries when she is hungry. We are lucky to have such a well behaved newborn... well shes almost 7 weeks now. Shes smiling more, more alert and is trying to coo when we interact with her. D loves her "sissy" and showers her with kisses, literally cause her kiss is more like a lick lol! I know that they are going to grow up being best friends! D's adoption should be finalized by summer time and I cant wait to shower the world with pictures of BOTH girls. They are the sunshine of my life right now, making me laugh and smile daily. They have Daddy wrapped around there little fingers. When Shawn comes home from work every day D goes running to him while laughing it never gets old. I just hope she still does that when she gets older

Well the girls will be waking up from there power nap soon and it will be time for us to watch Kathy Lee and Hoda on the Today show while playing with toys... my living room looks like Toys R Us threw up in it. I used to clean it up every night but now only if people are coming over. Good thing our house floor plan is conducive to this, its in the back of the house out of eye sight! Cant imagine it any other way though.

Here are some pictures of Norah at 1 month old. Enjoy your Thursday and upcoming weekend!

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