Before: boring flat tan, during: had to document Shawn doing manual labor, and after: LOVE, it came out great.
It was nice to do a house project un interrupted and together. Our last house Shawn did a decent amount of painting but I did most of it and in this house I have done at least 1,000 sq feet of painting while he now has helped do the master bedroom... he has some catching up to do.
Sunday we suited up in our matching Triumph shirts and our gear and got on his bike for a morning ride to his favorite breakfast joint; The Waffle House. I made sure that 75% of the weekend was things he wanted to do so that I could get him to help paint... he does not exactly enjoy painting, or manual labor for that matter.
Triumph shirt and my awesome ridding boots. The jeans I am wearing are actually my pre prego jeans, was so excited to get back into my old clothes again!!
I love this man... he may drive me crazy at times but he also keeps me grounded, laughing and some how sane too!!
For labor day weekend we did a whole lot of nothing, it was amazing. We just stayed home relaxed and moved at whatever pace we felt like. I actually did a laundry marathon and enjoyed it... wow. When the week is so crazy its nice to go at your own pace and catch up on chores... dont tell my parents I just said that I enjoy chores, lol.
Last weekend was Shawn's drill weekend so I dont even really remember it except that I was so relieved to see him on Sunday!! I know Friday night I called my Dad and Step Mom and asked them to take Malia for the day so it was a 3 to 1 ratio instead of 4 to 1. She is not a handful per say but must be kept busy at all times and thats hard to do with two babies and a 2 year old who is testing boundaries in a new environment. Malia watched for my Dad in the small front window and got crazy excited when he came up the walk. I am always slightly glad to see my kids go if only to have 5 minutes to myself but then I am so glad for apple face time because I end up missing them. My Dad and Step Mom got an ipad too so we can face time with them so they can see the kids growing and exploring each and every day if they want. We usually face time 1-2 times a week, then whenever the girls have a sleep over we can still say good night and good morning to them! Thanks apple for inventing face time, we love it!!
This weekend is another adults only weekend, I think another laundry marathon is in order as well as I have convinced Shawn to take me to go see the new Resident Evil movie coming out... I love Resident Evil and Underworld movies. I think its time for another Lora Croft movie again!! I dont know if I am more excited to go see the movie or more excited to not wear "Mommy attire" lol Granted while we are home together thats exactly what I plan on wearing and diving into an ever growing to do list. Not exactly what we were thinking when we named this "adult weekend" but with 4 kids, Shawn working two jobs (+ he's taking 3 college courses for continued education for teaching), and myself being a Mom/Foster Mom and playing Army... I guess adult weekend is now going to be tackle the to do list weekend and sprinkle in a little relax/recharge time.
Wow I think I just blogged a months worth... well, at least I'm blogging. Here are some random pictures from the past few weeks.
Norah is standing in her crib now and pulling herself up against furniture, she really wants to walk.
This last weekend was our second date weekend and it was wonderful. No projects this time, just relaxing. Shawn emailed me and asked me if I wanted to go to Red Lobster Friday night and then go catch a movie. He said just like the old days, lol. It was a REAL date! Then Saturday we got up early to go for a 2 mile walk, came home took a 3 hour nap, did a few chores around the house then went to another favorite restaurant of mine; Firebirds. Waited an hour for a table, so we sat at the bar I had a drink and we shared an appetizer... by the time we got a table I was no longer hungry and was totally tired from just one drink. I hardly ever drink, that combined with tired just catching up to me... we went home and went to bed by 9pm. We say all the time we are like a little old married couple, we would rather stay home and watch a movie, swim, nap, relax... guess were saving the party animal stuff for retirement. LOL! The kids came back Sunday afternoon and it has been non stop go since....
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