Need I say more? lol She chills in the BOB every Mon, Wed, & Thur when I take the kids to Preschool...
Who needs to workout when I load 4 kids in the truck, lift a heavy double stroller out of the truck, unload 4 kids, transport all 4 kids into the building... (2 babies in stroller, oldest walking holding onto stroller and Malia in my arms while pushing the stroller). Drop 3 off, load 1 baby and giant stroller into truck. Only to 6 hours later do it all over again... In the wonderful 108+ degree weather. I have managed to lose 40 of the 50 pounds I gained during pregnancy by simply eating healthy, smaller portions and running around after 4 kids all day everyday. Thats it!! Thats my secret.
Malia & Norah holding hands while laying in bed drinking there morning bottles. I love, that these girls love each other so much already :-)
I had a vision in my head on how our 4th of July would go... then it got rained on, literally. It poured rain all day. I put Malia on her bench to look out the window... she now climbs on there all the time and plays with her curtains... way to go Mom, lol! It sprinkled a few times so we went out and did an impromptu mini photo shoot of Mailia playing in the rain = TONS of FUN!
This Girl was made possible in part from Uncle Sam, plus Mommy & Daddy are patriotic so it seemed fitting to do her 6 month photos in red, white and blue.

Norah just keeps growing like a weed... shes & months now and sometimes I have to pinch myself how blessed we are to have such a Princess in our lives. Shes so well behaved, so energetic and now on the go all the time.
She tried out the bumbo for the 1st time and out grew the swing.
We drove up North to Payson, AZ so that Norah could meet her Great, Great Uncle Albert Rusch. They loved each other. My great Uncle is in his 80's and still very energetic, he insisted on caring Malia (who weighs 20 lbs and is never still) into the restaurant for lunch. The girls had fun, and we enjoyed looking through old black and white Army photos of my Uncle and family.

We went in to get a family photo done... this girl was looking too cute in this dress that I splurged on (LOVE Gymboree) so I wanted one of her looking cute... and she decides to sit up all on her own for the 1st time right in front of the camera!!!!!!
That was the Adams family Summer! Now we are back to school... kids are in Preschool Mon, Wed, and Fri. Shawn teaches Mon-Fri, we both have drill one weekend a month, I have Moms group every 2 weeks, I have non stop foster appointments... We did recently schedule a kid free weekend once a month (this last weekend was our first one), we need quiet time and re charge time. It was wonderful. Next blog post will be all about this last weekend.
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