Busy is an understatement. Today is the first time in days that I have actually had more than 5 minutes to myself and as much as I feel a little guilty its more important to take advantage and go with the flow. I finished a book I have been reading, got to take a nice relaxing bath and have been doing a little of this and a little of that around the house. Thursday I completed my Chemistry class, of course the teacher decided to make the final the longest and hardest test all semester, but I made it through and am still pretty confident I pulled off a "C". As long as I did that means my BA should show up in the mail before the end of the year, I cant wait!! I feel like this weekend I was a pre programed robot. My mom stayed the night Friday night and Saturday night working on "A's" Halloween dress but this meant more people at the lunch and dinner table so I felt like if I wasnt cooking I was cleaning up a ton of dishes. My poor dishwasher is still trying to keep up and help me catch up today. In a small way this is good cause we have a ton of left overs... which will be what we are having for dinner tonight!
Saturday "A", myself and my sister went and volunteered for almost 3 hours for Angel Tree, we filled out tons of cards with kids names and the presents they want as well as help set up a warehouse to store all the toys and clothes in. We are probably going to go back when its time to deliver the gifts and help get them to the people who need them most. It was a great learning experience for "A" and it was good for me knowing I am teaching my daughter great values. My sister says that I am always trying to save the world... I do what I can, when I can. Helping others is truly a great feeling. I managed to get some baby shopping done too, "J" has become an avid bouncer now when you hold her so I had to finally give in and get her a bouncer. Initially I wanted a walker but the one I wanted I would have to have shipped and "J" needed something asap. I settled on one for $40.00 at Walmart of all places and its so far the best money I have ever spent. She loves it which means I can now walk away from her and actually go get things done around the house, its awesome!!
Sunday kids were encouraged to wear there costumes to church, so mine did and they got to do some early trick or treating there. It was fun. We cam home and ate some lunch... Halloween shaped mac n cheese, then all took naps to rest up for the nights events. We went over to my brother and sister in laws house so the boys and "A" could trick or treat together. It was a decent gathering of some family and several friends. I got some pictures of "A" in her costume out trick or treating so that we can show Dad through email. We called it a night around 7:30 so we could go home and pass out some candy at our house and enjoy that side of the night as well as get kids into bed on time. "A" got to hand out some candy to several older kids that were still out. My Mom got a really great picture of me and the girls in our costumes as well as the dog in his. I found myself looking at that picture this morning thinking about 1 year ago last Halloween. Last year Shawn was home, we went to my sister in laws cause my brother was deployed, we watched the nephews trick or treat then went home to pass out some candy and dress up both dogs. This year sadly we are one dog shy, I am a husband shy but I have 2 kids. Sometimes its so se-real. I have not been a parent long but one day I am not and then next I am, to an 8 year old and a 6 month old, just like that. It makes me wonder what next Halloweens photo will look like??!! I am excited to find out!
Today I am relaxing before jumping into a giant to do list the rest of the week with a few appointments for the girls. It will be nice to not have school on the schedule this week, and I can only continue to hope for some news on the new house so that we can pack up and get this move behind us already. Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend as we did. I look forward to a relaxing weekend this up and coming weekend, then I have a drill weekend which those are always tiring but the following weekend will be Thanksgiving and before we know it Christmas will be upon us. Hope you are all done Christmas shopping. I am almost done, just need to tackle our Christmas cards! Enjoying today first!
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