What a crazy wild ride I have been on these past several days. Its been a little over a week since my Nan passed and yesterday we drove up to Sedona to spread her ashes and truly say our goodbyes. For me it was a slightly stressful trip I was truly trying to play Mom and Dad. Shawn typically is the truck packer, checking drivability and route, while I pick appropriate clothes, snacks, and things for the kids to do. I had to do both and was a little flaber-gasted, I forget a few things but over all did well. "A" likes to think she is the parent sometimes so the car ride up was a little touch and go when the baby would get upset, she would try to do her own thing instead of listening to my instructions. I took good notes on the whole event though and hope the next time goes much smoother. We drove 2 hours and hiked a good 30 minutes to get to the same location we spread my Grandpa's ashes so many years ago. Having an 8 year old who has never hiked before and was a little over anxious considering the somber setting, with a 14 lbs baby strapped to my front and my 10 year old Jack Russell was quite interesting to say the least. My patience level has grown so much over the past 8 years thank goodness or yesterday could have turned out so much differently. It was a long, emotional day but we all made it through and now we can start the healing process. Props to our wonderful Nanny for helping through out the day!
TODAY, was an interesting day filled with many challenging parental moments. Shawn called this evening and re telling him the day I was actually able to laugh so I guess thats a good sign in some aspect. Baby "J" woke me up nice and early so I decided we would go to the 9am church service instead of 10:30am, it felt refreshing to be up early and moving. Not sure if that is why my girls both had meltdowns and were acting like a full moon was out. It started with "A" freaking out that the white jeans I gave her to wear were not skinny jeans... really? I gave her a serious pull yourself together could you be more selfish talking to. She has one pair of blue skinny jeans but apparently thats not enough, I told her she better stop pouting or we would go empty her closet stuffed with clothes and donate them to kids who need them... then she would have something genuine to pout about. I told her look I was an 8 year old too once and I know it seems like in the moment with certain things you think the world is coming to an end but we need to be more sensible about that and that being able to say you own a pair of skinny jeans is better than saying you dont own any at all. So, I thought that would be it... NOPE. We get to church and its jam packed, it the Thanksgiving service apparently and there is hardly any room. We had not had breakfast before leaving so I had told "A" that she could get a breakfast item from the food table. Well my sister thought it would be better to have "A" sit and she would got get food for her and bring it to her, brilliant idea so she went. But, "A" flipped out and kept saying I want to go, why cant I go get my own food. I told her to chill out that there was nothing worth getting worked up about, does she really think that Aunt Trista would bring her a pile of poop or food she didn't like? She didn't have an answer. My sister ended up coming back with a GIANT chocolate chip muffin and a deviled egg, I made her apologies to my sister for throwing a tantrum and for not trusting her judgement. Thinking we were on 8 year old lesson over load and that we would have a good day... SO WRONG. We go to Starbucks inside the Barnes n Nobel to get some coffee with my Mom. My sister and I are looking at a magazine and we turn to a page that has some good looking actor and my sis and I both say "he's cute!" what came after that from my 8 year I am still in a bit of shock about. "A" shoves her chair away from the table, crosses her arms, puts her famous death glare on her face then proceeds to yell out loud for everyone to hear..."Why don't you just marry him then, you don't love Dad any more so why are you married to him?" WOW... um yeah WOW, seriously... I look at her in SHOCK and am like, what are you talking about? We go into one of the weirdest conversations I have every had with her, she was seriously freaked out that I could not call another guy cute without wanting to marry him. These misconceptions have to be in thanks to the horrible adults that have existed in her past. I finally calmed her down to include putting her in a corner for 5 minutes of timeout IN Barnes and Nobel, I told her hey you think Justin B. is cute and you don't want to marry him... she proceeds to tell me she doesn't like him any more. I find this hard to believe... she's obsessed with him. SO, I pull out a great one... I say well I guess you wont be needing the Justin B. CD and t-shirt I got you from Christmas... she then totally retracts her 3 times repeated statement of I don't like Justin B. I tell her too late I am taking the things back and you are grounded for lying to me. Shawn loves to instigate her and when we got home I totally pulled a Shawn, I dug out the box that is packed with Christmas presents and buried in the garage and pull the said items out and make sure to prance them in front of her. I tell her look I want you to understand that when I say something I mean it when it comes to being your Mom and putting you in your place. I know that her bio Mom went thru a lot of boyfriends so we had a talk about some of that. I hope I don't see this rear its ugly head again.
Baby "J" must have been taking notes because as soon as I had "A" under control, she lost it. She was super cranky and took a short nap with no luck in convincing her to go back to sleep. So I decide to feed her rice cereal, she turned 7 month old on the 17th so this is the next step per her doctor. She wants nothing to do with it, she's pushing the spoon out with her tongue and gagging and dry heaving every time I try to give her a spoonful. I am at my max with "A's" behavior and am almost ready to throw my towel in. I put her down to have a scream it out session and get on my email and facebook for a few minutes... quick response to my full moon status. My really good friend Andrea who lives like 10 minutes or less away was over in the blink of an eye to take over and give me a chance to cool out. "J" of course starts eating her cereal with no problem. The best part for last... she has some serious gas for Andrea and starts to grunt... NEVER a good sign. Several times Andrea and I thought she was done with her business when she would surprise us and start up again. Finally, she's done and I take her from Andrea, holding her at arms length telling her she smells, at which time she smiles followed by something warm splat-ing on my foot. No not spit up like I was hoping for, but POOP. One nice drop of green liquid poop on my FOOT. No where else on the floor or on the baby or on Andrea whom she had been tooting and grunting on... only on MY FOOT. By the time Andrea got to me in the hallway to help I had no choice but to cry and laugh at the same time... I wasn't sure what else to do. If she had not have been here I would probably by laying in the hallway crying. Thank goodness for wonderful friends! I thought she wasn't eating and so cranky cause she could feel my tension but Andrea is also a NICU nurse and has a wealth of knowledge in the baby department... baby "J" is teething!! Whoo hoo what a way to cap off my day. When Shawn called tonight and I told him all this... if he WAS missing home he WAS NOT any more LOL! I am just glad that the day is over I don't know that I could have made it much longer. Interested to see what tomorrow holds. I have heard that God does not give us more than we can handle... I think I was standing on the threshold of that limit today ;-) Hoping everyone else had a much better day than I did. I am off to bed to detox and turn my brain and body completely off.
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