Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have been FALLING into bed at night these days. I am loving these kids more & more every day but they are sure giving me a run for my money.
The 2 year old is very energetic, hes not high maintenance thank goodness but he has his moment every once in a while. Hes super adorable, really smart, over all super well behaved for a 2 year old boy and he continues to make me laugh several times a day.
Baby "D" is like a textbook baby... we are at average every 4 hours now during the day she wakes up to feed, burp, and a diaper change. Some times now she stays awake checking things out for a few but then right back to sleep. At night I have got her almost up to 6 hours... she's only 7 weeks old... by the time we have kids I will have my kid sleeping through the night the first night lol! Everyday I feel more and more like I have been a Mom for like a hundred years. I have some really great systems set up... ask my sis who has been a huge help with the kids I am super anal about keeping the systems in play... cause they work! Trial & error. I could really go for a full nights sleep more often and maybe a whole day to myself every two weeks then I might feel like I could do anything. The girls are the ones guilty of interrupting my nights, "J" wakes up around 2 or 5 cranky and wanting a bottle for some reason still working on trying to cure that prior but no luck thus far... will keep at it. "I" WAS having a horrible time going down for naps and night time but after several things we got a routine down that works and have cured the screaming tantrums.
My sister is moving out this week in with my Dad & Step Mom so I have been working hard at doing things completely on my own with the kids and the house. The only thing I have not concord is the mornings... the kids all seem to wake up at the same time no matter what I do. I have them staggered going down for naps/waking up from naps & going down to bed... just not waking up yet. Wish me luck, if I can get this down to a science I think days will be great... gotta start off on the right foot.
We bought a Chevy Suburban last week and I am LOVING it, its perfect to haul the kids and there things in and all there stuff. We were squished in the xterra. We kept the xterra as a back up vehicle... I bought that on my own 5 years ago and we have had not issues with it and we paid it off almost 2 years ago so I felt almost guilty getting rid of it. So, my wonderful husband let me keep it ;-) The "Burb" as Shawn has fondly named the new suv is one of the best things we have ever bought, I love driving it, the kids are not on top of each other and there is even a little room to grow since we have no idea what the future holds for this family but we like to think BIG!!
So, my life these days I eat sleep and breathe the kids and in between the huge house. I feel like I am at a happy high in my life. We have been so blessed this year being able to get a new house and vehicle to support our plans of a big family and I am so excited to see what the months and years ahead have in store for us!! Its getting closer to Shawn coming home on leave and I am almost jumping out of my skin I am so proud of all that I have done quite often single handedly but with some amazing help of my family by getting us settled into our new home and I cant wait for him to see it. Since projects are slower going with kids I am afraid you all will have to wait till Shawn sees the house to see pictures. I am working hard to complete ALL projects by this summer... pretty ambitious but I am pretty certain I can do it!! Got really creative today... baby gated "J" & "I" in "I's" room with toys and a portable dvd player while I did some painting in the hallway... didnt get a whole lot done but something is better than nothing! Its late, Im rambling and I am exhausted so... night family and friends.

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