Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer break

Ah, summer break is finally here for Shawn! Which means a little more help around the house for me as long as I promise to give him a nap everyday... gotta love that man! June & July on the calendars are filling up fast which is slightly depressing because I thought summer break meant relaxing. Between the two of us we have lots of Army stuff going on, the kids have lots of appointments, & I have school. Yes, you read right, school. I thought I was done for the summer but the 1 class I was taking that was worth 1 credit, my paper wasnt good enough for her so she said I could re take her class during the summer in conjunction with another class. So, I am taking technically 2 classes. The 1 credit class is more of a build on what I had so not to hard, the other one I picked has 6 books, so I will be spending most of my summer reading books for school... I was so looking forward to read a stack of books that I am behind on, o well, such is life sometimes. We adjust fire and move forward.

On a very exciting note, only 3 more weeks to Disneyland. Shawn and I are bursting at the seems with excitement. I cant wait to see the reactions from the girls more so from D than Norah. Its a huge celebratory trip... Late Fathers Day, my Birthday, my Step Mom's Birthday (she and my Dad are coming with us!) and an early adoption celebration for D. Who in about 90 days will finally be ours legally and the world will be flooded with pictures of her that we have not been able to share. We are so anxious for it to be official. Once we adopt her her new name will be Malia D. Adams (we are making her current name her middle name) Shawn picked her name, after Obama's oldest daughter, it means Maria in Hawaiian. Two girls in 2 years, very exciting. Shawn insists that he wants all girls, but we will see what the future has in store for us. Right now we have two & two and its not so bad. C will be leaving soon to go live with a family member and as of right now M is staying for an unknown time.

I cant say its been un eventful since I last blogged, just busy every day something going on with 1 of us or 1 of the kids. We have managed to get into bed at 10pm every night so I cant complain to much. As I blog all 4 kids are napping and due to erupt, I mean wake up shortly. Then Shawn is going to be Mr wonderful and take his turn (once a week) making dinner, hes making sloppy joes from the Eating for Life book by Bill Phillips one of his favorite... well and ours too!!

Not the greatest picture taken with my sisters phone... but Friday night the 1st official day of Shawn's summer break we went swimming & Shawn lit a fire. Norah passed out in my arms from all the fun. 

Norah is growing up so fast. It so awesome to see!


Norah Patience Adams 4 months old

She is teething big time, this is her teether of choice.
She is in LOVE with Veggie Tales and Sesame Street, this one is her watching Sesame Street with sissy & C. We watch it on Monday & Thursdays!

Norah having her 1st temper tantrum. Nothing I did would make her happy, so she cried for almost 45 minutes straight before she wore herself out and took a long nap. Think it was her teeth.

Little Miss Happy & Alert. This Girl smiles all the time (minus the 1 temper tantrum above) She has her Daddy's disposition for the most part which for her is a blessing and for us awesome to have a happy baby girl all the time!

I could stare at this face sleeping all day long. I <3 her so much!

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of there week, for those on summer break too enjoy every minute of it! This weekend Shawn has drill and then 6 days of training in conjunction so I am a single Mom starting Friday-Friday... wish me luck.

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