Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Un eventful

An un-eventful week last week. I cant complain. Does not mean that it was quiet or slow. Each day I tell myself I will actually sit down for more than 10-15 minutes... it never happens. Im not complaining just longing for some more me time I suppose. It can get a little groundhogs day like around here and when Shawn gets home at the end of the day I sometimes am chomping at the bit for his adult conversation and company. A friend on facebook or pinterest posted this and I thought it was extremely appropriate.

The only story I have to share this post is last Monday C our 2 year old foster son had his first visit with his bio Mom. I had been dreading it a little afraid of his behavior afterwards. Never did I imagine what would be in store for me. He came back crying, totally to be expected and I talked to him saying he would see her again and it was ok to be sad. I fed him lunch then put him down for his nap. When he first came to us naps were very foreign to him and there was a lot of crying, screaming and yelling involved with naps and bed time. He has adjusted really well 3 weeks with us now. This time he was a little cranky and whiny which I couldnt fault him much. He took a nap and when it was time to go get him, 3 steps away from his bedroom I heard him say "Mommy poop" I instantly was dreading what I call a "nap bomb" where they have gone poo during nap and its been roasting and the room smells so bad you get the wind nocked out of you when you walk in. Well I wish thats all it was. I open the door and hes holding his hands up that are covered in poop. He had decided to finger paint with his poop. It was not all that bad, but it was bad and gross. I just stood there and gasped and said "C this is bad, o my gosh this is bad." I did not call him bad cause again I sorta couldnt fault him. He was acting out. So as hes soaking in the tub I told him "bud, next time when you are sad just say I am sad, dont play with your poop, cause thats icky."

That was quote on quote the highlight of my week lol. So this post I will just let the pictures do the talking. This weekend for us should be interesting, Shawn will be gone for 3 days out of town for Army training, so I am on my own sun up to sun down, wish me luck.

D's new favorite way of watching Veggie Tales... in her dolls wagon. :-)

Happy girl! She really only crys when she is hungry or tired... just like her Mommy!

The old man (12 years old this August) enjoying the kids nap time. Its quiet and the kids are not pestering him.

Enjoying some hand during tummy time.

Loved this picture of her so much I made it into a 5x7 and hung it in our tv room. I find myself staring at her, in awe that shes here, shes ours and was worth all the trials and tribulations. 

We have a park that you can see from our driveway, we walk to it at least 2-3 times a week before or after dinner to lay around on the quilt and let the kids play. Norah loves looking around at everything and the other 2 cant get enough of the slides or kicking the soccer ball around.

Exhausted after the park. 

Some how I found a little time to yarn wrap the letter "M" that had been undone for some time. I had started this project about a week before Norah arrived. I love how it came out, it will reside on our mantel for some time to come!

Another night at the park. This trip my Sister came with & took this picture for us.

Easter morning. I wish I could share the adorable pictures of D from the egg hunt the day before as well as her in her Easter best... Next year!! We went to an egg hunt & bbq at church on Saturday. Then Sunday I had to be at church at 6:45 am to sing for two services. My sister was nice enough to spend the night Saturday to help Shawn get all the kids ready to come to the 2nd service. They all looked adorably cute. D had a white straw hat on with her dress and when Shawn walked in with her, there was a lot of ooo's & awe's!! After church we decided on a whim to go to Red Lobster for lunch. Home for a 2 hour nap had by all. Then I decided to cook us an Easter dinner... Turkey ham, homemade mashed potatoes, string beans, rolls, & squash. It was all very yummy! No company this year, just my sister who we asked to stay at the last minute, us & the kids. It was perfect.
(This is my "Mommy" outfit lol, nothing I love more than Victoria Secret boyfriend pajama pants, I own them in tons of colors!)

Thats all folks... enjoy the rest of your week and the up coming weekend.

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