So here I am blogging for two weeks again. Not so bad only the second time this year. To be expected I suppose with 4 kids, not to mention all the other things we have going on. I have to stay grounded and count my blessings. Last year Shawn was deployed and we only communicated via email and phone. Yes, he may now work 45-50 hours a week and just recently had drill and had to work 12 days straight... but he is safe in the states and we at least get to kiss each other good morning/night. We are both very much looking forward to a summer together. Its the 1st one in this house TOGETHER!! Shawn is super anxious and excited to get in the pool. He gets 8 weeks off and I am taking the summer off from school my self. But, the Army is sending him to 3 weeks of training so he can get promoted sooner. Stinks it cuts into our time together but a promotion early isn't bad so cant complain to much, instead we plan on making the best of the 5 weeks we do get to be together.
We will be going to Vegas begging of June, accompanying Shawn to several days of training. Thankfully Vegas is only a short 4 hour drive away, for a change in scenery. I will hang out in the hotel during the day with the kids, maybe poke around on base a bit, but then at night we can head to the strip so see the sights, sounds and eat some really great food! Then later in June we will be going to Disneyland. This trip I can not wait for. It will be a celebration for Fathers Day, my Birthday, and early celebration of the adoption and our first time experiencing it with kids. My camera may break from all the pictures I will be taking!! We had originally planned on going in April in conjunction with some Army training for Shawn but when that fell thru, we pushed the trip to June. Shawn says there are only 2 things I will willingly get out of bed early for... Camping & Disneyland!! Trips are fun but time consuming. There is the prep for the trip, the trip its self and the detox from the trip. These 2 small trips are more than enough for the 5 weeks we have together, the rest of the time will be spent pool side, and in the house finishing up projects that have been shoved aside due to lack of free time.
So, what have we been up to the past two weeks... what havent we been up to is more like it. We started last week off with 3 kids still and in a really great routine. C the 2 year old boy has settled in nicely and he is a sweat heart, really well behaved. He and D started preschool last Thursday and they both LOVE it! Here is a picture of one of D's daily reports.
She has learned the color purple by finger painting, a Bible verse each day and this last week as seen above was learning how to count in spanish! She really does love it and she plays so much better with C at home now that shes being socialized with other kids 2 days a week. C actually cries when I pick him up cause hes having so much fun :-)
Last Thursday I got a surprise in the mail. (I dont know about all of you but we have all our bills on auto pay and statements can be seen on line so we hardly ever check our mail.) On a whim I had decided to check it last Thur when coming home from picking up the kids from preschool. Inside was my old wedding ring. Ok, ok here is the wedding ring story:
When Shawn proposed he had picked the perfect ring. It was perfect... until we went to find a band. The engagement ring had a small part that stuck out on the side and no band was going to be able to be saddered to it. I felt horrible having to look at other rings, but Shawn assured me it didnt bother him and it would still be the same diamond. So I found one I liked a tiny bit tall for my liking but I liked how it looked and it had a great band to go with it. So that is the one I got married with... and deployed to Iraq with. Of course against Shawns advising. He ended up being right as usual. The ring took a beating and finally one day getting out of my humvee I smacked my hand against the humvee door and the prongs holding the diamond rotated. So, I convinced him to buy me another band to wear alone. He did. I got it and hated it lol, it looked so lonely on my finger. So I mailed the crooked wedding ring with attached band and the loose band to Shawn's dad to fix and attache them all together. I loved how it turned out. I am such an active person and have never been a jewelry person that I ended up smacking the ring again. So we searched for a new ring. I got a black & white diamond band... that only lasted a week lol, some of the black diamonds fell out. So we went ring shopping AGAIN. Then I found the perfect ring and have been in love with it ever since. It has held up to my active life style wonderfully. So we mailed the ring I got married with along with the engagement ring and had the diamond put back in the engagement ring. The bands from my wedding ring were turned into earrings and Shawn had his birthstone dropped into the wedding ring. Which is what I unexpectedly got in the mail on Thursday. I joked I should check the mail more often if things like that are going to be in there :-) Its a ring to be worn for special occasions other wise I will end up breaking it again.

So, what else... Shawn working Mon-Fri basically from sun up to sun down cause he teaches then comes home and helps me. I work from sun up to sun down tying to keep up with these kids, get them to and from appointments & preschool. I volunteer in Shawns class room & grade his papers at home. Plus trying to keep the house clean and attempt to do homework. Pretty much go, go, go in this house. We like it that way, I would go stir crazy doing nothing.
So here are a ton of pictures of Norah... I promise you I take just as many of D, I just cant share them with you.
Trying to figure out who she looks like more... were leaning towards Daddy these days.
Top left: hanging out with Fo after a shower with Dad. Top right: chilling later on.
Bottom left: loves her swing & Bottom right: trying out the bumbo for the 1st time!
Top right: running errands with Mommy. Top left: tummy time is tiring
Bottom right: watching Dateline with Mommy while Daddy was away at drill.
Bottom right: running errands with Mommy again.
Before Shawn left for drill weekend before last he surprised me with roses! He can be awesome when he wants to be lol!
Before his drill weekend I managed to complete two small projects!
In out TV room where spend most of our time we have 4 giant windows. Curtains for the kids to get into was a no go so I was trying to think of something to break up the overwhelming look of blinds. I came up with this.
A collage of A's for Adams! I made the wreath, painted the frame & did Shawn's silhouette. I still need to do my silhouette & will add more A's over time. I love it.
The Sunday Shawn was away at drill, my Mom was nice enough to watch C & D for me while Norah and I met up with a Mommy friend of mine to go to a crafters market. It was downtown at a cool kids consignment shop we both love going to, so it was a double whammy of shopping!!
Norah ready to go shopping with Mommy.
Some of our finds. Ordered a custom skirt for Norah and a custom dress for D with similar prints! Going to get Mother's day photos taken with my girls in them! Also found a bag full of cute clothes for the kids.
Last week I got sick... I dont know from where. I am sorta a germaphobe, not crazy but close. I just dont like being sick and with kids if one gets it they could all get it. I caught something I dont even know what I thought it was allergies cause I was super stuffed up but then it moved to my throat and I ended up losing my voice I am actually on day 3 of no voice right now... Shawn loves it lol!
This is me not feeling good hanging out on the sofa with the kids watching a Disney movie. I love Disney anything and we own every Disney movie made. Apparently my daughter takes after me lol! We were watching Finding Nemo, she loved it!
It seems like each kiddo grows up faster than the last, or maybe its just me I dont know. This girl is on her belly & loving it. She's so close to rolling over in both directions and can almost hold her bottle. Today she is 3 months and 4 days. I am a little behind and need to take her 3 month photos.
Love this one!
Thursday I dressed her in this cute outfit to go see Daddy at work. (then she puked on it and I had to change her) They were having a volunteer get together to celebrate all the volunteers at the school... ME!! Shawn said something sweet and cheese about me, lol! His classroom would not look as cool as it does if it wasnt for me. I tell him all the time hes lucky I love him... grading papers, cutting things out, helping him come up with new creative stuff. I was 9 months prego crawling on the floor in the hallway of his school setting up his hallway display. So, yes hes lucky I love him! ;-)
We got a 4th foster kiddo on Thur so things have been a little more crazy than usual. Hes 4 and the MOST HYPER KID I HAVE EVER MET. Hes actually going to another foster home tonight because hes so hyper when he plays and has not regard for the little ones. He needs to be on his own or around bigger kids. So they found him a home with bigger kids. Whew cause we have had some close calls.
Saturday it was hot enough to go in the pool. It felt awesome, Im actually quite picky about outside temp and pool temp combo but it was perfect this past Saturday. The only thing about it being hot this early in the year usually means its going to be a nasty HOT summer... we will see. It was Norah's 1st time in the pool and D's 1st time in not being a baby any more. Shes growing up way to fast. Here are some pictures of our pool adventures!
Fo and D waiting for Daddy to let them in to swim. In the picture you can see we have this awesome big ledge that the kids can hang out on. On me its only ankle deep. Fo loves to walk around there with the kids.
Not so sure to this is cold and wet lol! She later calmed down and loved it, I think she will be a fish like her sister.
Yesterday 2 of 4 kids were gone and my sister was awesome enough to come over to watch the girls so I could start my 12 page paper that I thought was due today. When I sat down to work on it I realized it was due yesterday... I spent the whole day working on it.
D was hanging with my sister and Norah wanted Mommy... so this was me yesterday lol!
When Shawn got home, after he made dinner (yes girls my hubby cooks... sort of but he does try to make dinner one night a week :-) ) We went the park to try and wear the 4 year old out. Ha, that didnt work super crazy wild at the park and didnt slow down for a second. This was my view at the park:
So I cranked out a 12 pager and turned it in by 10 PM... 2 hours to spare. Not bad. I have another one due Saturday but have been working on it off and on. So wont be pulling a day of on that one.
So tonight we go back down to 3 kids. This weekend I have drill so Shawn is on Daddy duty! I think D might do a sleep over at Grandma & Grandpa's though Saturday night. Then its back to the grind Mom-Fri. Then Shawn has drill the following weekend. Yuck. 2 weekends in a row no time with the hubby. I think we need to find time for a date night soon. Really looking forward to June, it cant get here fast enough if you ask me.