Just yesterday little Norah started cooing and slightly audibly laughing... I have experienced firsts with Jessica and D and was worried it would not be as exciting with my own... not the case. Its just as memorable. It was even more awesome to see Shawn experience it since with the other 2 girls he was deployed. I am certain now it will never loose its appeal, it will be an unmistakeable moment every time. I have noted with each child Im more and more relaxed. D falls down all the time and is always getting hurt while horse playing with Daddy. I get less upset at him, and less concerned that she is injured and I just react with an ice cube for her to suck on and a kiss or two lol. I have no doubt Norah will be nice and tough, D is well on her way. I see D fall and simply ask "are you ok?" and she just gets up and laughs. If they fall and you freak, they will freak. If you have that shake it off attitude with them thats how they will respond to. Kids feed off of our emotions and are constantly taking mental notes of our behavior and reactions to things. Shawn keeps saying lets have all Girls but I am not so sure he understands... my theory is Girls get harder as they grow up and boys get easier. His theory is boys are punks, funny cause he is one and has an 18 year old son both of whom drive me bananas, always have so not so sure on his theory. I think we will just take it one day at a time and see what's in store.
We are on the list to accept more Foster Kids and in the last 4 days I have received a call everyday being begged to take a kiddo. It breaks my heart to say no but with company in town and Shawn and I actual able to spend some time together this week, we decided to not accept any this week. Its so sad to think that there are that many kids being displaced from there homes. I wish with all my heart more people would open there homes to Foster care. I think to many don't really fully understand what it means and how it all works and are afraid to ask questions thus forming there own wrong opinion as why not to do it. (If anyone is interested or even just wants to ask questions feel free to ask away I would love to share with you.) I cant see my life without it. We have touched the lives of 8 children in almost 3 years now. About to adopt our 1st one and she is the Sunshine in my life I cant imagine my life without her I love her as much as I love my own biological child, there is no difference and there never will be. We actually found out this week we are another step closer to making the adoption of D finalized... I can not wait for that day to come. Should be no later than August, so everyone say a little prayer for us that we encounter no speed bumps and can have this little Girl forever in our home.
Some how with Shawn working Mon-Fri, Me going to school full time, running around after the Girls, keeping up with the house and Army for us both I have still managed to do a few more little projects around the house. I hope to share those soon, more of my OCD organizing and my obsession with seeing things online and re creating. The Girls room is all done we just need to get them a bunk bed. The one I am in love with is from Pottery Barn and will probably take a year to save for but it will be the icing on the cake as far as there room goes, and well worth the wait I am sure.
Not a ton new going on mostly same old same old, but we are full steam ahead with life. I am trying to do a weekly post if I can so that you can at least hear how the Girls are growing. Hope everyone enjoys there weekend. I am looking forward to ours, we have nothing planned which is always nice. Last weekend I had to play Army so it didn't seem like a weekend. 1st one away from the Girls in a while and I missed them a TON. Thank goodness for apple and facetime. I actually got to see D say Mama for the 1st time!! It was A-dorable! Have a great weekend everyone!
A few pics of our week... lots of napping going on.
Norah taking a late afternoon nap.
This picture is worth millions... Shawn is not a fan of manual labor. But, we got some Spring cleaning done, the whole backyard is ready for Summer use!
After all that Spring cleaning a nap was in order. Napping seems to be the pass time of choice in our house right now.
We had dinner on the cleaned up patio with my Dad, Step Mom, the Girls and my Cousin. Then we enjoyed a nice fire in the fire pit, poolside. It was an awesome day!
It was Norah's 1st fire. I cant wait until we take the Girls camping for the 1st time.
Two peas in a pod, they both love to sleep, and they both sleep soundly.
Sleeping thru errands.
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