Saturday, March 26, 2011

Where is the year going... with out me?

The days are flying by... which is good cause Shawn comes home but bad cause I still have so much to do before then. STILL painting... only 3 bed rooms, 1 bathroom and the 2 car garage left. Can't wait to be done. Summer is right around the corner so gotta purchase ceiling fans for all the rooms and get those guys installed! The pool is getting drained, scrubbed and re filled starting Tue and I am SOOO excited, I cant wait to get into it. I had an above ground pool during highschool years and have been dying to have a pool every summer... THIS IS THE SUMMER!! Probably wont be blogging much... I will be pool side! The kids will love it which will make it even more fun. Picked up a few pool toys today, dont want to be over run by them so just the necessary. Got a table and chairs on the back patio today too for the kids to eat lunch at... no wet kiddos in my house.

Kids are keeping me busy, 3 is no joke on your own. I have most things concord like getting them up & going in the mornings and down for bed & naps. I dont mind taking all 3 out for errands, especially with the new Suburban we got makes it much easier for transport and Ive gotten pretty savvy once we hit the store too. Some would think  I have been doing it for years instead of only weeks. "J" is officially 11 months now and we found out we will have her for her first Birthday... a BIG shin dig is already in the works! "I" will be going to live with a Grandma before the end of April. But "D" will be with us for quite some time so that will be fun to be blessed with another baby and experience all the firsts, its so much fun and so amazing to watch. "J" has been sick now since Monday night... had to call in re enforcement's... she is such a puke machine and wants no one but me when she is sick. So, my Sis who just moved out last week, came over with my Dad & Step Mom to help keep the other two kids occupied and taken care of. (Thanks guys!!) I have gotten pretty much no sleep in the past 5 days so my fuse is pretty short these days but "J" is at an over night weekend visit so I am going to get as much sleep as "D" will let me who recently has been sleeping 6-7 hours and only at 6 weeks... I love her already!! Shes such an easy going low maintenance baby compared to "J" they are like night & day.

Any way kids keeping my days kid filled and I am still cranking away at painting this gigantic house. I am still unpacking the garages. I have not even started to unpack my loft area thats filled with all my crafts and scrapbooking stuff... I will need lots of free time for that one cause I will get sucked into my stuff!! Each day if I can get one more thing done that gets me closer to the finish line of having this house in the exact order I want it were doing good. By the time Shawn comes home in June I want all painting, unpacking and projects done so this place looks like a model home for him to come home to and relax... keep you posted if I complete this mission. Hope everyone elses year is not running away from them... I cant believe its going to be April in 1 week... "J" turning 1, my sis turning 21, and Easter... lots of party planning to do... stay tuned for pictures!! OK, Im going to go read and book in the tub and hope I dont fall asleep in the process. Night all.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have been FALLING into bed at night these days. I am loving these kids more & more every day but they are sure giving me a run for my money.
The 2 year old is very energetic, hes not high maintenance thank goodness but he has his moment every once in a while. Hes super adorable, really smart, over all super well behaved for a 2 year old boy and he continues to make me laugh several times a day.
Baby "D" is like a textbook baby... we are at average every 4 hours now during the day she wakes up to feed, burp, and a diaper change. Some times now she stays awake checking things out for a few but then right back to sleep. At night I have got her almost up to 6 hours... she's only 7 weeks old... by the time we have kids I will have my kid sleeping through the night the first night lol! Everyday I feel more and more like I have been a Mom for like a hundred years. I have some really great systems set up... ask my sis who has been a huge help with the kids I am super anal about keeping the systems in play... cause they work! Trial & error. I could really go for a full nights sleep more often and maybe a whole day to myself every two weeks then I might feel like I could do anything. The girls are the ones guilty of interrupting my nights, "J" wakes up around 2 or 5 cranky and wanting a bottle for some reason still working on trying to cure that prior but no luck thus far... will keep at it. "I" WAS having a horrible time going down for naps and night time but after several things we got a routine down that works and have cured the screaming tantrums.
My sister is moving out this week in with my Dad & Step Mom so I have been working hard at doing things completely on my own with the kids and the house. The only thing I have not concord is the mornings... the kids all seem to wake up at the same time no matter what I do. I have them staggered going down for naps/waking up from naps & going down to bed... just not waking up yet. Wish me luck, if I can get this down to a science I think days will be great... gotta start off on the right foot.
We bought a Chevy Suburban last week and I am LOVING it, its perfect to haul the kids and there things in and all there stuff. We were squished in the xterra. We kept the xterra as a back up vehicle... I bought that on my own 5 years ago and we have had not issues with it and we paid it off almost 2 years ago so I felt almost guilty getting rid of it. So, my wonderful husband let me keep it ;-) The "Burb" as Shawn has fondly named the new suv is one of the best things we have ever bought, I love driving it, the kids are not on top of each other and there is even a little room to grow since we have no idea what the future holds for this family but we like to think BIG!!
So, my life these days I eat sleep and breathe the kids and in between the huge house. I feel like I am at a happy high in my life. We have been so blessed this year being able to get a new house and vehicle to support our plans of a big family and I am so excited to see what the months and years ahead have in store for us!! Its getting closer to Shawn coming home on leave and I am almost jumping out of my skin I am so proud of all that I have done quite often single handedly but with some amazing help of my family by getting us settled into our new home and I cant wait for him to see it. Since projects are slower going with kids I am afraid you all will have to wait till Shawn sees the house to see pictures. I am working hard to complete ALL projects by this summer... pretty ambitious but I am pretty certain I can do it!! Got really creative today... baby gated "J" & "I" in "I's" room with toys and a portable dvd player while I did some painting in the hallway... didnt get a whole lot done but something is better than nothing! Its late, Im rambling and I am exhausted so... night family and friends.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Busy Mom... That's ME!

SO..... every day has its surprises! It had been relatively quite in the Adams house hold with just baby "J" and I had planned on taking a small break and just enjoying her before she is set to leave us this summer. But, I got a text from my licensing agency that there was a baby girl only 4 days old at a hospital only 5 min from my house... the one my Step Mom works at actually. How could I say no to a 4 day old baby girl... I couldn't so I set off to go pick her up and my Step Mom met me upstairs when she got off work to help get her settled in at home. Baby "J" was at home with my Dad who was so graciously making dinner for me that night. (Best parents ever!!) It has now been almost 3 weeks that baby "D" has been in our lives. She is a really well behaved baby girl... she was sleeping every 3-4 hours waking up to feed & be changed and that was that. Now she is on a 4-5 hour schedule which is GREAT!! Especially considering only a few days ago I got a phone call that baby "D" has 3 brothers who had been removed from the home and did I want one (a 2 yr old, 4 yr old & a 5 yr old) I said yes to the 2 year old. So, yes now I have a 2 year old boy in the house... that equals 3 kids under the age of two in the house. It was pretty crazy at first and it still has its occasional moment but we have fallen into a pretty good routine. My sister is moving out next week so I will be doing it alone which I have insisted on doing for the most part already to get used to the demands. Its been really good so far. Sunday, I was so proud of myself I got all three kids fed, bathed, dressed and out the door to church... all by my self! I impress myself sometimes ;-) I am actually really enjoying it the kids keep me busy which makes my days go by faster for the anticipation of Shawn coming home and a bonus... they make me smile several times a day. I couldn't ask for more right now. Everything happens for a reason! School fell thru this semester and I was bummed I was going to have to wait till May... now not so much. Needless to say house projects have slowed... not to a halt, just slowed so pictures will just have to wait a bit longer. Just another day in the life of the Adams family...